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  • Writer's pictureallisonfedor

An Anarchist Hippie Rant

Prepare yourselves! Emotion-induced word vomit of the day is here! Woo!

Sparked by: watching Racing Extinction

I can literally feel the war raging inside me. It's perpetual, it's intense, and it's perturbing. It's maddening, it's crazy, and it gets my energy in a gnarly bundle.

This battle is between two of my more predominant sides: the one side that wants to throw fire, scream at the top of her lungs, and protest till she is killed and/or causes change, and the other side, that believes the best thing to do is give it up to God, breath deeply, and bring total and complete acceptance to everything that is.

I am the anarchist, the revolutionary, the fire-filled and passionate person that screams inside and beats the bag because of what we're doing to the planet, how we treat one another, and the pure facts of total and complete universal destruction we're seeing and evoking.

I am the pacifist, the meditator, the deep-breather and accept-it-all-er that believes we cannot let ourselves get too stressed out about the condition of our fallen world, because it's just that, and will be that, until the day and time that God ends it all.

I believe that we are much more powerful than we are instructed, allowed, or encouraged to believe, and that the ability we have to affect change knows no bound, and cannot be undervalued or ignored. I believe that we can band together, stand strong, and really cause a positive change within the world we live in and that which we will leave behind for our future generations.

I believe that we should not occupy our energy in things that are out of our control, and that we cannot allow ourselves to be driven crazy by the unconscious choices of others. I believe that it is my responsibility to make conscious and conscientious choices, love everyone I can, and allow this to cause a ripple affect around the world that will bring about good things.

I think I should be standing on the front lines, yelling my head off, holding up a sign, and loudly and proudly spreading the word of the things I know we are doing that are not doing any good. I think I should be doing far more than I am to change the world, and that it's time to stand tall with my brothers and sisters of the globe who are lending their voices to those causes, people and creatures that cannot use their own. I think I should be exposing evil and using my strength to make a scene that cannot be ignored.

I think I should be meditating quietly, sending love out to everyone and everything that exists, accepting the universe as it is, and love the world in spite of what she's become [because of us]. I think that if I try to fight against it all, I will only perpetrate the problems and will not end up doing any of the good I set out to do, because you cannot fight fire with fire. I think the depth of these issues is so much greater than my realms of comprehension, and that if I use the power of my mind, I can and will do more than I know.

I know I can do more, I know I can lend my voice, I know I can meditate love, I know I am both of these strong sides, and so much more that flirts and flows around in between. I know I am changing the world, that my words, my voice, my strength, my heart, my mind, and my intention cause a positive affect globally, touching places and people I may/will never see or know. And I know there is a way to accomplish both, to be a loud voice for a good cause, but to also live from a state of mindfullness and keep my mind in the zen-zone.

I also know we can all do more, but that we cannot drive ourselves mad by thinking too much about it, because then, all the good work we're doing is lost. And I know that this battle will probably never end, and believe it's just another thing to accept and embrace.

I love you, I breath with you, I fight with you, I struggle with you, I love with you, I am here to exist with you.

Blessings, Love, Light & Wonder to you all

Allie-Sun <3

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